Monday, May 15, 2006

My commissioning service

Hi, sorry my post is late in coming. I've been on a family vacation, which was wonderful!
God was so very gracious to me and He totally showed up at this service. My pastors Dave and Randy were such a blessing to me and organized such a precious service. There was both a 8:30 and 11:00 service, but the format was essentially the same. Pastor Dave preached not only to me, but also to the congregation! That it was all of us together in this endeavor. I loved it! He spoke about Gods faithfulness. The elders and missions committee members came up and layed hands on me as they prayed. The weight of their hands was impressive and made that moment for me very sacred. I literally felt as though we were a body, together going to the mission field. I was most impressed with the solemness of the service and the felt presence of the Holy Spirit. It was more than humbling, it was.....I don't know how to explain it. It was simply sacred. Wow.
Pastor Randy told the congregation of my financial and prayer needs. How wonderful to have another speak on that account and how freeing for me to speak about other things when it was my turn to respond. It meant so much to have Pastor Randy pray for me, after sharing with him my concerns regarding prayer and faith; knowing that he knew my struggles. He was such wonderful counsel last Friday before the service.
This last week following the service, I spoke with member of Calvary who joined my prayer team and others who joined my financial team. I now have a growing list of prayer partners (who are praying for the fianancial situation) and am now at 92% support!!
One last comment. I was blown away by God when a member of Calvary came to me following the second service, to share some scripture that she felt God wanted her to share with me. It was Ruth 3. When Ruth had layed at Boaz's feet to ask him for help in being her kinsman redeemer. This friend told me the verses that say "my daughter, do not be afraid. I will do for you all that you ask". She shared this with me and then left. It was such a huge encouragement. God has heard my prayers. And when I am nervous or should I rather say, scared, when I think of the money that is left to raise in the time that is left to raise it. I think of this verse,...."do not be afraid", " I will do for you all that you ask"; it calms my heart especially knowing that God wanted me to specifically hear this verse.
Thank you for your prayers, your support and your friendship. I look forward to seeing how God is going to do this all by May 25!


Nomad said...

You did a great job with your presentation as well. Congratulations for reaching this milestone... and much prayer for what will be a hard fight against the forces of evil to come!