Friday, February 27, 2009

news from CA

I have to catch up again. This time to tell some good news and answers to prayer! The NextGen retreat followed the Recruitment conference and it was at the NextGen retreat that lots of good stuff happened. I had asked previously for prayer regarding how I should move forward with the organization based on the direction that the organziation and specifically my department was going, and also based on my new station in life to come, as a wife.
We really got going Friday, the whole group of us plus our supervisor and the Director of Recruitment. We kinda started at the beginning and put all our "cards" on the table and thought through what we want to accomplish and how we might begin to do that. I was so impressed with our supervisors and their gracious way of handling our stress and our lack of focus. By the end of Saturday we had a list of goals, objectives and possible strategies to accomplish them. We set dates to review all of this and make decisions to move us forward this year.
I had some significant, and as I see it providential, conversations with my supervisor and the director over my feelings of insignificance in the work and real lack of work to do within the department. I was more than glad to hear that with the new changes in administration in our department and the renewed vision and focus that I not only will have a wider influence but am even being asked to participate in leadership roles that I otherwise would not have known about. These roles will be flexible enough to allow me to work from Michaels home once we're married and will likely move with me when he is reassigned.
I am re-energized. I feel appreciated for what I have to offer and I am excited about the direction that my department is taking!
Thank you so much for your prayers. I saw a direct answer to those prayers over that weekend and I am really excited.
These coming changes also allow me a bit more flex time right now as things are being reorganized, to spend the time I need on planning for my wedding and preparing to be married soon. August seems to be the month that I will begin to take a more active role in the direction of NextGen and will begin preparing myself for the tasks that I will be assigned in the revamped NextGen.
Thanks for checking in and thanks to the few friends who gently asked "so when will you update your blog"? Wedding planning......etc......(blah,blah)....I know not a great excuse, but it's the truth!
Learning along with all of you,