Well where HAVE I been? After leaving CT I arrived in California to witness the result of the fires, drive home to wash laundry and leave 24 hrs later for Chicago and St.Louis. In Chicago I met up with two co-workers and we drove down to St. Louis for 4 day trip to the Youth Specialties conference. My organization had a booth, which is what you see in the first picture. That is Ed Swanson our camping director and he built those walls and hung the hammock. We were simulating our camping ministry. Our Brazilian hammock was very popular. We were raffling off a Jesus Loves You soccer ball (which has "Jesus loves you" in 30 languages) and 2 "Da Jesus Books" the Hawaiian Pidgin translation. We received
many compliaments on our booth and we made some good connections. I was inspired by the general sessions that I was able to attend and really enjoyed the fellowship amoung hundreds of fellow youth workers from all over the US.
I was also able to make some networking contacts and I hope that a few of these will lead to some solid partnerships for my organization.
After the conference I helped my co-worker Tracy find her new apartment in Chicago where she will be moving this month. It was fun to help someone else look and not be the one looking!
Next I came back to CA and immediately got involved in a formation flying group. The San Diego Salute is a team of T-34's that fly for shows and events in the SoCal area's. I have been asked to be their announcer and this has plunged me back into the world of aviation, for which I am immensely grateful to God! This is an ecclectic and fun group of people who love aviation and are willing to let me tag along and learn from them. I look forward to alot more flying and even getting help in getting current again myself! Why do I miss Wisconsin?? *wink
Tonight I am going to youth group, the one at the church I've decided to join, Sunridge Community. I'll be helping with the Sr.H and I am looking forward to getting involved in the lives of kids again.YEAH!
I am sooo close to being officially at 100% support. It's just a matter of getting the final word back at the office from a few partners and adding up the numbers!! We're planning the department retreat for January and I just got involved in the National Network of Youth Ministries and will be much more active in that in the very near future. I hope to soon contact Josh McDowell and Doug Fields for opportunities to pick their brains and find out how my organization can be more involved in the lives of teens and inspire kids to join missions. I was really pumped up by the Youth Specialties conference and I hope that God has big plans for my organizations work!
Oh! and one last big praise! My car is paid off as of today! FREEDOM!!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Connecticut, California, Chicago and St.Louis
Posted by Dagney at 2:12 PM
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Good, all-inclusive post. I love the booth! Congrats on the car, too.
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